We’ve launched a new website to help colleagues and their families to live greener – at work and at home.
Our Green Academy resource is designed to provide advice and activities to inspire a more sustainable lifestyle, as well as recognition for those already inspiring others.
It was created in response to our largest ever employee consultation, which led to the creation of our ambitious ‘Redrow 2025’ vision. Redrow 2025 is driving innovation as we adapt to a changing world and meet the challenges of the climate crisis.
Clare Hindley, Head of Training said: “Climate change affects everyone and so many of our colleagues wanted to know how we could work together to help to tackle this global crisis.
“The Green Academy is a community space, where colleagues and their family and friends can join in and drive change.
“Supporting our commitment to valuing people, we’ve created an online resource to provide ideas and encouragement, while celebrating those who are taking action to make a difference.”
One of those is Nicola Johansen, our Group biodiversity manager and one of our “net zero heroes”. She rejected air travel this year to journey 1,234 sustainable miles on public transport to holiday in Majorca. She said: “My journey was more expensive than flying, but so enjoyable. It felt even better knowing I’d done my bit for the planet too.”
There are more challenges around the environment in the academy but also activities and advice focused on wellbeing and cost of living tips too, with the aim of inspiring a happier and healthier workforce.
Clare added: “We’ve worked with the feedback provided by our colleagues and stakeholders to create a website that is reader-friendly, engaging and full of usable, practical content. It takes a holistic approach to sustainability and the green agenda, so we are helping to educate visitors and create positive conversations around how people can make small changes to their lifestyle.”
To find out more visit: https://redrowgreenacademy.co.uk/
Following the combination with Barratt Developments plc, we have launched a new corporate website for Barratt Redrow plc that can be found at www.barrattredrow.co.uk
This legacy website will remain available for a short time, providing historic information, and is no longer being updated.
For up-to-date information on Barratt Redrow, please visit the new website.